So I was crossing the border today comeing back from Seattle and there was absoulutley no hassle. I mean I could have been an illegal immegrant with a truck load of cocaine entering Canada and smuggling extra people through. The person at the border didnt even take a look at our ID. She said "are you Canadian" we said "yes" then she sent us through, no ID, no searches, no nothing. I was floored by how easy it is to cross the border. Then as we were driving further, God spoke through that. He was like thats how it is to enter the Kingdom of God. He askes "Do you beleive" and we say "yes" then He sends us through, no ID, no searches, no nothing.
But...there is more involved, sure its easy to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, but how easy is it to stay. If we were illegal immegrants and brought over illegal drugs, we would have been caught and be deported and imprisioned, therefore we need to surrender all to God, repent and believe, and then by maintaining a Holy life we are gaurenteed security of living eternally with our Creator.
3 years ago
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