I had a great week at Teen Camp. More to come on that.
Did you read my last post on Worship, and how I think (and to be honest I think I'm right) is the most unselfish thing you can do? If not, scroll down and read it now. If you did then I want to talk about the most selfish thing one can do. Sin.
Sin sucks. It just plain sucks.
I know many people, and I've been there before who just can't seem to shake it, their sinful nature that is, who are stuck in this sticky, slimy, gross sin. I had a picture, vision, dream, whatever you want to call it, once of someone stuck in this tar like goop, representing sin. The more they tried to get themselves out of it, say by trying to wipe it off, the more the tar spread. We have all become sinners (refer to doctrine 5). We are born into a world of sin and born with a sinful nature. It is who we are, and to get rid of it ourselves will cause us to get stickier and slimier and more engulfed in the tar. As the vision goes on there was only one thing that could separate us from the tar, which was oil or I'd say the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Or perhaps a better analogy would be blood, and that Christ's death and Resurrection is the 'oil' that removes the 'tar'. Analogy's aside, sin sucks, it is gross and sticky but Christ has provided a way out.
In my experience with sin, which as a sinner I'm actually quite experienced in, my focus immediately is turned to me. Hence the selfishness of it. I think "how can i cover this up so no one will know". I begin to think every time someone says "let's talk" it is immediately because they have figured out what I've done. I begin to think I am inadequate to disciple, teach, lead (which really if in sin I am). And I stop praying or evangelising or reading the Bible. Come on, I know we've all been there to some degree. Sin is the most selfish thing anyone can do. When you sin you are denying people of your holiness (Christ's holiness in you), and if you are living in community then you are denying your community of corporate holiness (for I believe that corporate holiness is dependant on personal holiness). When you sin you are causing other people to hurt and if you're doing it in secret then you are denying those who are close to you the fullness of who you are. Stop sinning and stop being selfish.
That's my angry side with sin because it really does make me angry - but as angry as I am I have such compassion for the sinner. I was going to write about a friend of mine, but as I wrote it out it got too personal. But here's the thing. I love her deeply and dearly. I am so angry at the addiction in her life, I am angry at lust and I hate alcohol more then ever - but when I see her and pray for her and think about her I am heart broken. It brings me to mourning and I long to see her set free. I still hate the sin in her life, but I love her more everyday. (Isn't there some over-used phrase about that)
When we are sin-free though we are then not selfish. And being completely selfless as I suggest means being in full worship of the King of Kings, which is just another way to say holiness. We have been born sinners, but Christ has declared us saints. I say as a sinner I know the consequence of sin all too well. But as a saint I see the beauty of holiness even more.
So if you're feeling stuck in this tar-sin stuff - get washed in the Blood of the Lamb and get free. It's really the only way.
3 years ago
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