Man has my week ever.....
Yet, why do we tend to dwell on the negitive anyways, because really on a whole the week wasnt all that bad...The Phil Marriott came to town, I spent some quality time with my friends Fiona Meeks, Darren Hailes and Karyn Baker - a few events that unfolded that night were falling out an elevator, touring the town I grew up in, and leftovers, kicked out a few demons, interpreted some touges, spent some quality time with my disiples, and had the funniest night with Jonathan Berkshire.
Yet the few negitive events seemed to lable how my week of my disciples backslid, im frustrated with how certin things are going and im complaining about it to other people and on my blog, yet not approaching those situations, i went from depending on community to depeding on myself.
Im speaking at a conferance this weekend. Turning children into evangelists. Should be fun. Im not going to lie, havent prepared all that much. Probally a good thing. Pray for it if you will.
3 years ago
Haha....falling out of an elevator.... I should really warn people about that little step thingy.
I'm so glad you came over that night, Nicole! It has been too long since you and I spent some time together. I will be praying about the other situations in your week, and looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love you deeply,
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