Here is a 'deadly' sin (allthough i remind us again, ALL sins are deadly, not just a select seven) we here often. Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride can manifest in different ways...its all about me, I did it, Im so good...tend to be some of the common ones...but pride is really much more. Pride is also failing to admit when we are wrong. Failing to admit we need help. Failing to seek guidence. Holding on to some stuff becuase you dont want others to think differntly of you. Pride can also manifest is false humility, stubborness, and shame. I beleive the biggest weapon the Devil holds is that of pride. Pride is what led King Uzziah to his downfall.
We tend to look at pride as almost normal, because almost everyone has issues with it. But thats not normal. Normal would be true humility for thats how God intended for us to live. Friends, we must repent of our pride, we must walk out a humble life. It can be done. And when it is...well when it is its just better.
Persecuted Church
If you are reading this its very likely you live in a country where we have the freedom to worship. China, Bangledesh, and Iraq to name a few, get imprisoned, tortured and martyred for their faith. We dont often hear of the injustice of this issue, but it is reality. In countries like these there are underground churches, were everyday saints risk their lives to pray, worship, fast, and commune with God. If you've been made fun of for beleiveing in Jesus, or are in a lower social class, or have been mocked, thats nothing compared to what are brothers and sisters are receiving in countries without freedom of religion.
Pray for them.
3 years ago
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