I am going to blog about the 7-deadly sins. Allthough be aware that all sins are deadly. "The lives of 17 million children were needlessly lost in 2000 because world
The idea of 'deadly' sins was created by the Church. Years ago the Church desided it needed to create a division between those sins which were considered 'minor' and could be forgiven without the saccrement of confession and those that were 'major' or deadly and needed to be brought to confession.
Yet, understand that the above is stricly theological, and not nessessarily what I beleive.
I wasnt planning on including the following in this series of posts, but then it came to mind, and now it will be included.
In Wesley Campbell and Stephen Court's book "Be A Hero" there is a chapter in which they have created a different set of deadly sins. One will be included in each post aswell.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. In the western world I think we are espesially guilty of this sin. We tend to think the more we have, the bigger our house, the newer our car or the better paying career we have the better our lives are. Im guilty of it right now. Im sitting here typing and thinking about the pants I wanna buy. As if I dont have enough? Friends, lets live simply. Live only with what we need. Deny yourself and saccrifice. And to go with a recent post of mine, tithings a good place to start.
Dirt Poor
Here we are living in greed...yet in undeveloping countries there are people living in dire poverty.
governments have failed to reduce poverty levels."
3 years ago
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